Thursday, August 16, 2012

Departure and Arrival

Hello all!!! I have had a few crazy days as I've made the trip 3,000 miles across the United States to settle into my new home - College. 

It's been very exciting and difficult and sad and lovely all at the same time. I'm discovering out just how busy I'll be during this semester, so although I hope to post a lot of pictures I'm not sure how often I'll find the time. 

So to document.... 

(All the pictures were taken with my little point and shoot, so please don't mind the quality.)

Last meal at In-N-Out!!!

Me and Daddy~

Josh and I :) (we were both so exhausted by that point...)

Who says stickers are for kids only?

Me and Aunty Chris - one of the best ladies on this earth. Not only did she accompany us out here to drop me off, but she's also blessed and encouraged me in SO many different ways. Thank you a million times over for everything you've done for me, Aunty Chris. I love you!

Mom and I~

Last Sunset in my lovely California~

 And two last Skypes....

Morning dawned bright... and EARLY

But watching a sunrise over the ocean cost was worth it.

I was Katniss for the day :D

In the plane.... like the guy behind me? ;-)

Yummiful dinner

Virginian Sunset. I could get used to this...


My lovely new home~

Welcome to my room! I get to share a room with three amazing people, Anna, Becky, and Jazz.

Like my bed?

The last things I see at night and the first things I see in the morning....

Orientation. Here's about a quarter of my class

Finally broke open the Jo Jos. 

Anna trying them for the first time! I got her hooked. 


I absolutely love College so far. I'm sure there will be times when I'll be screaming and pulling my hair out when things get hectic, but I've never felt so perfectly placed before in my life. I am so thankful God lead me to this place.

Until next time,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving us the update, with pictures.

Kim N.

Anonymous said...

Jo-Jos. I knew we should have brought more. I love the pictures on your bed rail.
Loving and thinking about you everyday. god indeed is good.
♥ Mom

Christina said...

Christine--You are just about the most amazing young woman I have ever met. I know God has great plans for you. My one prayer is that Jesus will always be First in your heart and in your life. If that is so, everything else will fall into place. I didn't cry when I said good-bye, but I am crying now. Much love to you--when we see you again, you will be new--lots of the old, but lots of tremendous new growth as well.
So much love--thank you for your very kind words.
Aunty Chris
PS-Enjoy! (I'm jealous!! but in a very-glad-for-you way.)Thanks for including me in this special week.

Anonymous said...


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