Thursday, June 16, 2011

~The Class of 2011~

The night finally arrived.

Don't worry! They were quite excited!

You guys are so awesome!!!

The night opened with the Flag Presentation and the National Anthem

Then the choir

Then the Student Council

And the MT presentation... and then...

...these people showed up! :-)

Becky continued the ceremony with her Interpretive Dance. Absolutely amazing Becky, you did fantastically!


Then Chris presented a video of his sand art. Every jaw in the audience was on the floor. Great job Chris!

Amanda sang us all away with her beautiful voice

And then the Seniors led the way.


When the parents were presenting the diplomas, I had a hard time seeing through my view finder - the tears were streaming down my face.

The candlelight ceremony

The Benediction

The exit

You guys did it!!!!

So happy for all of you. :)

Sneek peek at next year?

The Class of 2011.
I love you all. You all are so unique, spirited, lively, and fun.
You all are amazing, fantastic, and outgoing.
You all are wonderful friends.
Congratulations, and God Bless.

Chrissy <><

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