It happened a week ago. One week. Mom came downstairs with the test in her hand - it showed positive. We were ecstatic! A new brother or sister!!! We were so excited to share with all our friends, and couldn't wait to start planning out outfits and who would sleep where. Mom was pretty far along too!
The next day, Mom started having problems. Things outside her normal pregnancies. We didn't think much about it because it all pointed to signs of twins.
Mom was bed rest for the rest of the weekend. She started having cramps and other issues. We prayed that the baby would live.
Sometimes, we don't understand why God allows some things to happen. I didn't understand why.... But God's in control and He sees the big picture. He sees things in the future that will happen because of some things that wouldn't have happened if we didn't change. All we can do is trust in Him and know that all things work together for good for them that believe on Him.
God knows why the baby couldn't live. God knows it was best for us.
I don't know the reason. I don't understand why it had to happen that way. But I do know - it is all in His plan. He gives, and takes away. It may not make sense at the time - but it will someday.
Daisy Roe
Born and Died on February 22nd, 2011.
We love you Daisy.