Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Whew! Christmas break is over? Where did the time go??

Well, I would have to say that this has been the best school break I've ever had in my life. Coming home from college to family and friends was exciting, amazing, awesome, and all those other adjectives that express happiness and pure joy. Not only did I have a fantabulous time on excursions and events, but God also blessed me with many photo sessions to fill my time. 

Speaking of photo sessions, I completely missed the "end of the year blog post" on New Years Day since I was busy editing and posting pictures from the photo sessions I completed. 

Better late than never!

2012 was the best year of my life so far. With graduating from high school, attending the college of my dreams, and meeting so many new, wonderful people - I don't think life can get much better than this. 

Here are a few highlights from break (I decided not to swamp you with pictures from the entire year.... you'd be on this blog for quite a while :) )

Coming home!

Went to basketball games...

Went to Santa Barabara with Amber - twas such a LOVELY day.

Josh built a fire in the back yard... the smoke in the trees was so beautiful. 


Went to the Ronald Reagan Library with friends!

Costumes from "Enchanted" 

Christmas with the Roes

Swing Dancing!

Ringing in the New Year

Fun times with Liesel. :)

A collage of just a few of the awesome people I hung out with during break. I tried to take a picture with everyone I was with, but in the midst of good conversation I often forgot to pull out my camera. 

And a collage of all the photo sessions I completed in 2012. God is good. 

I cannot wait to see what 2013 holds! I have a feeling it's going to be a *great* year.

Chrissy <><

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